Clan Stoneclamber - Event Journal

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Terrifying Adventures in Karazhan!

I managed to squirt my way through the cracks in Karazhan tonight, which led to an amazing and terrifying adventure that left me speechless with wonder and my pants filled with shit in horror. Between invisible things cloak-whooming around me and the sound of an invisible woman giggling again and again, my adventures beyond the boundaries of instanced Karazhan were a demented hell that I will not soon revisit. Lucky for you guys, I took a lot of pictures. Enjoy.

My horrible wooden wife wishes me "bon chance" on my adventures. If I go near her, I will go in the door and thus, out the door. What?

The usual cellar dungeon areas in the surrounding town are not there.

The town is bigger here, with more farmland style pieces. Does this town even have a name? Was it just Medivh's personal fiefdom?

From afar, you can see the incomplete tower.

Behind the tower I found this troll village. It's kinda near Zul'Gurub, and kinda not.

Not sure I've ever seen a torch like this one.

Those familiar with my earlier adventures will recognize the "auroredge", the shining edge of the world.

Kelebor joins me on this suspension bridge that goes PAST the edge of the world. From where we were, we could see the alternate universe where they all wear cowboy hats.

Somebody knocked some bamboo over.

As if all this wasn't mind-boggling enough, I found a terrifying bloody altar with one of those hooded guys.

The altar had a humanoid skeleton, a boar head, and a caribou head. Around this time the hour chimed on Karazhan's bells, and I shat myself and cried like a child.

The perfect end to a perfect day: Leaping off the world and looking at it from underneath.

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Message About Clams (Unrelated to Stacking)

Off the southern coast of Venture Bay in Northrend, my Find Treasure skill detected some simple "Clam"s under the sea. Curious enough to drop down and have a look inside (perhaps for pearls) I was surprised to discover that the clams contain basically the contents of an old-world treasure chest of, say, Dun Morogh - a Shiny Red Apple, some Darnassian Bleu, a Frayed Cloak. More interesting than that, however, was the fact that some five seconds after emptying the clam, it respawns - Tough Jerky, Bent Large Shield, Frayed Shoes, et cetera. So I popped a Nagrand Cherry and stayed around to empty it a few times. The monetary amount is never more than around 11 copper, so it definitely doesn't pay to sit and exploit it... but it was a strange find, nevertheless.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Contest - Dig Those Dig Rats

The details of our latest contest are posted here.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Winter Veil

The coming of Winter Veil led to us all taking the time to get in good with Ogri'la, as well as us learning how to run the Nexus. Myself (Hazdar), Chrysalea, Samuels, Kelebor, and an unskilled random girl whose name I forget managed to all become Kings and Queens of the Ogres, respectively. Most of us either went ahead and got the Merrymaker achievement, or are still lacking small matters, such as getting 50 honorable kills while Winter Wondervolted.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

We devised a system of deciding what reputation to go grinding for. Assigning each side of a ten-sider a faction, we /roll 1 10 and see what comes up.

1.) Bloodsail Buccaneers
2.) Sha'tari Skyguard
3.) Kurenai
4.) Ogri'la
5.) Cenarion Expedition
6.) Sporeggar
7.) Lower City
8.) Keepers of Time
9.) Cenarion Circle
10.) Timbermaw Hold

Sporeggar was the lucky winner, so myself (Hazdar), Chrysalea, Samuels, and later Phoen went into the Underbog and the Slave Pens to do all the stuff we had avoided doing so far.

In the process, all of us ranked up with Sporeggar, either to Honored or Revered. Chrysalea mysteriously had already impressed them enough so that she is already nearly up to Exalted. And Phoen, the only one at the appropriate level to do the instances, got nearly completely outfitted in blue-quality items.

We all earned the Underbog achievement, but by the time we had run through the dungeon the second time, I was completely worn out and falling asleep between battles.

Whenever we all get exalted with Sporeggar, I imagine the Consortium will become #6 on the die, since we forgot to add it at the time we were naming reputations.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Welcome to the Clan Stoneclamber journal, where events of note will be recorded as they happen. Some things are too big for the guild website's news blotter, so this will be where they get recorded.

Last night saw myself (Hazdar), Chrysalea, Samuels, and Kelebor tackling the past with a vengeance during a trip to Durnholde Keep, within the Caverns of Time. At level 70, we had tried and failed numerous times to three-man the five-man instance, but now, with some Northrend levels under our belt and a death knight among our ranks, we tore through the instance with style. The four of us got the achievement for finishing the quest simultaneously, and I think we all booshed Friendly with the Keepers of Time in the process.

The natural progression of events had us then attempt to protect Medivh during the opening of the Dark Portal, but that one proved too much for us, and we succumbed to failure during the last boss. However, we now know more than we knew before, and should be able to handle it once we get a fifth fellow for the job.
