Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Welcome to the Clan Stoneclamber journal, where events of note will be recorded as they happen. Some things are too big for the guild website's news blotter, so this will be where they get recorded.

Last night saw myself (Hazdar), Chrysalea, Samuels, and Kelebor tackling the past with a vengeance during a trip to Durnholde Keep, within the Caverns of Time. At level 70, we had tried and failed numerous times to three-man the five-man instance, but now, with some Northrend levels under our belt and a death knight among our ranks, we tore through the instance with style. The four of us got the achievement for finishing the quest simultaneously, and I think we all booshed Friendly with the Keepers of Time in the process.

The natural progression of events had us then attempt to protect Medivh during the opening of the Dark Portal, but that one proved too much for us, and we succumbed to failure during the last boss. However, we now know more than we knew before, and should be able to handle it once we get a fifth fellow for the job.

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