Sunday, November 30, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

We devised a system of deciding what reputation to go grinding for. Assigning each side of a ten-sider a faction, we /roll 1 10 and see what comes up.

1.) Bloodsail Buccaneers
2.) Sha'tari Skyguard
3.) Kurenai
4.) Ogri'la
5.) Cenarion Expedition
6.) Sporeggar
7.) Lower City
8.) Keepers of Time
9.) Cenarion Circle
10.) Timbermaw Hold

Sporeggar was the lucky winner, so myself (Hazdar), Chrysalea, Samuels, and later Phoen went into the Underbog and the Slave Pens to do all the stuff we had avoided doing so far.

In the process, all of us ranked up with Sporeggar, either to Honored or Revered. Chrysalea mysteriously had already impressed them enough so that she is already nearly up to Exalted. And Phoen, the only one at the appropriate level to do the instances, got nearly completely outfitted in blue-quality items.

We all earned the Underbog achievement, but by the time we had run through the dungeon the second time, I was completely worn out and falling asleep between battles.

Whenever we all get exalted with Sporeggar, I imagine the Consortium will become #6 on the die, since we forgot to add it at the time we were naming reputations.

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